Steilklippen mit Häusern, Meer und Sonnenschein

Rent a motorhome

With WOFRENT rental partner stations, you have the perfect partner for a carefree and safe holiday in a motorhome or van! Rent a motorhome – at your local rental station.

No matter whether you want to travel as a family, as a couple, with friends or alone – the WOFRENT rental partner stations fleet offers you the right rental vehicle. Enjoy the free and flexible way of travelling and start your dream holiday!

WOFRENT motorhomes and prices

At WOFRENT 250 km per rental day are included as well as exterior cleaning, awning and bicycle rack. Furthermore, all vehicles have comprehensive insurance. Accessories such as drive-up wedges, CEE plug set, cable drum, gas bottles, water hose and WC chemistry belong to the inclusive standard. Many extras like camping chairs and camping table as well as kitchen set can be booked additionally. And all this at an attractive price.

Please note that these are sample pictures of the vehicle group!


At WOFRENT rental partner stations, you can expect numerous other services in addition to the top-equipped rental vehicles! For example, a number of accessories are already included in the motorhomes. Furthermore, free kilometres are included in the rental price. In addition, fully and partially comprehensive insurance with a limited excess is included.

You can find out which services are included in detail on the respective rental station pages or by contacting the rental station directly.

Motorhome service – Travel without worries with WOFRENT rental partner stations!

Motorhome rental at WOFRENT rental partner stations also includes first-class service. Of course, you will receive a competent and detailed briefing in advance so that nothing can go wrong when using the motorhome.

Book the motorhome of your choice and start your new adventure safely and without worries! We are at your disposal with our service throughout the entire journey. Rent a motorhome, enjoy your holiday!

Required by law Audits

Through the WOFRENT rental partner stations Checks carried out

Symbole für gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Prüfungen Symbole für die durchgeführten Kontrollen

Top vehicles

WOFRENT rental partner stations only have current and modern models on hire. Each motorhome in the individual groups has functional equipment.

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Professional maintenance

WOFRENT rental partner stations only have their vehicles serviced by professionals. These are therefore at the highest level of safety and reliability. We give our word.

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Included services

WOFRENT rental partner stations offer you a wide range of services that are already included in the rental price. Simply ask your local rental station about them.

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Individual service

WOFRENT rental partner stations are service-oriented. This means that you can expect the best quality in the handling of your rental from start to finish.

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