General Terms and Conditions for the Rental of Motorhomes (GTC)

Status April 2022

These GTC govern the rights and obligations in all contractual relationships in which the lessor (‘Lessor’) rents a motorhome (‘Vehicle’) to a consumer or entrepreneur (‘Hirer’) and provides related services.

1 Subject matter of the contract

1.1 The subject matter of the contract is the use of the vehicle as a motorhome for travel by the Hirer. By concluding the rental contract, the Hirer obtains the right to use the vehicle for the agreed duration to the extent stipulated in the contract. The Lessor receives, among other things, the right to payment of the rental price.

1.2 The Hirer uses the vehicle on his own responsibility and carries out his journey independently. The Rental Firm does not provide any travel services or any set of travel services. The statutory provisions on the travel contract shall not apply.

2 Reservation, replacement vehicle, change of booking, cancellation

2.1 The product range presented by the Rental Firm on its website or otherwise does not constitute an offer by the Rental Firm, but serves as an invitation to the Hirer to submit an offer. The Hirer submits an offer to the Rental Firm by sending the ‘binding reservation’ form together with attachments to the Rental Firm or by clicking the ‘binding reservation’ button on the Rental Firm’s website. The Hirer shall be bound by the offer for 14 days. The binding reservation comes into effect through the Lessor’s confirmation of the reservation. In the case of vehicle rental, the Hirer has no right of revocation in accordance with § 312g II 1 No. 9 of the German Civil Code (BGB); this also applies to reservations and rental agreements concluded exclusively using means of distance communication or outside business premises.

2.2 The reservation and the rental agreement refer to a vehicle from the specified vehicle category. The Hirer has no right to a specific vehicle, model or layout. If the vehicle cannot be provided in the booked vehicle category at the time of handover, the Rental Firm is entitled to provide a vehicle of comparable size and equipment or a larger one. The hirer may refuse the replacement vehicle if there are justified interests to the contrary. No higher basic rental price shall be charged for the replacement vehicle. Any ancillary costs incurred, e.g. fuel, ferry or toll charges as well as operating costs, shall be borne by the hirer. If the Hirer accepts the Rental Firm’s offer to provide a replacement vehicle in a lower vehicle category, the Rental Firm will reimburse the difference in the basic rental price resulting from the price list between the vehicle categories.

2.3 The Hirer is entitled to make a one-off booking change by altering the agreed time of the rental period, provided that the declaration is received by the Rental Firm at least 30 days before the agreed start of the rental period and the rental period is in the same calendar year and the same seasonal period and a vehicle from the booked vehicle category is available. A booking change is subject to a rebooking fee in accordance with the current price list. Any advance payment already made will not be refunded.

2.4 The Hirer is entitled to cancel a booking until the vehicle is handed over as follows: On receipt of the declaration up to 55 days before the agreed start of the rental period against payment of 10% of the rental price, but at least € 200.00; on receipt of the declaration from 54 to 22 days before the agreed start of the rental period against payment of 50% of the rental price, but at least € 200.00; on receipt of the statement from 21 to 10 days before the agreed start of the rental period against payment of 60% of the rental charge; on receipt of the statement from 09 to 03 days before the agreed start of the rental period against payment of 80% of the rental charge; on receipt of the statement from 02 days before the agreed start of the rental period against payment of 95% of the rental charge.

2.5 Several tenants shall be liable as joint and several debtors.

3 Handover, vehicle condition, repairs, operating resources

3.1 The Hirer shall take over the vehicle at the agreed place, day and time. The Hirer must appear in person at the time of handover. The Hirer is obliged to attend a briefing by the Rental Firm.

3.2 Upon handover, the condition of the vehicle, including existing damage and dirt, the odometer reading, the fuel tank level, the accessories and the environmental badge shall be checked and recorded. Damage, soiling and missing accessories must be reported to the Rental Firm before the start of the journey. The handover protocol is part of the rental contract. The Hirer undertakes to handle the vehicle with care and in a professional manner, to observe all regulations and technical rules relevant to its use (for example, not to drive the vehicle with an engine oil or coolant level that is too low) and to regularly check whether the vehicle is in a roadworthy condition, as well as to lock the vehicle properly.

3.3 If a repair is necessary during the rental period to maintain the operation or roadworthiness of the vehicle or a prescribed inspection, the Hirer may commission a contract workshop up to an anticipated repair cost of EUR 100 net. Otherwise, the Lessor’s consent is required. Insofar as the Hirer is entitled to reimbursement of repair costs, it is a condition of reimbursement that all evidence and receipts in the original and, insofar as reasonable, removed parts are handed over to the Rental Firm.

3.4 The vehicle shall be handed over to the Hirer with a full tank of fuel. In return, the Hirer must return the vehicle with a fully filled fuel tank at the end of the rental relationship. If the vehicle is not returned with a full tank of fuel, the Rental Firm will charge the Hirer for refuelling the vehicle and for fuel in accordance with the price list valid at the time of rental, unless the Hirer can prove that no costs or significantly lower costs were incurred for refuelling. If refilling of these fluids is necessary during the rental period, the Hirer shall pay for the refilling fluids (in particular engine oil and windscreen cleaner as well as windscreen antifreeze). If the vehicle is equipped with an AdBlue tank, the vehicle will be handed over to the Hirer with a full AdBlue tank. The Hirer shall return the vehicle with a fully filled AdBlue tank at the end of the rental period. If the vehicle is not returned with a fully filled AdBlue tank, the Rental Firm will charge the Hirer for the cost of refuelling plus a service fee in accordance with the price list valid at the time of rental. When hiring vehicles with an AdBlue tank, the Hirer must ensure that the tank is always sufficiently filled. The Hirer shall be liable without limitation for violations of the above obligation committed during the rental period; the Hirer shall indemnify the Rental Firm against all claims asserted by authorities or other third parties against the Rental Firm for failure to refuel the AdBlue tank, in particular fines and warning fees.

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