Buy motorhome

Would you prefer to buy your own motorhome? Pack your things and travel spontaneously at any time? Then you are guaranteed to find your suitable motorhome at MOOVEO Wohnmobile. Various layouts at attractive all-inclusive prices with full equipment can be admired at MOOVEO. Try out the motorhome configurator right here!

teilintegriertes Wohnmobil


With MOOVEO motorhomes every trip becomes an experience. Discover all the advantages of the fully equipped motorhomes and start your vacation. Many layouts are available to choose from. For example, under 6 m with a French bed. Or also vehicles with single beds and face to face seating area.

Mooveo Van


Vans with full equipment, many extras at MOOVEO at a lucrative all-inclusive price. These vans offer everything needed for individual travel. Landscape trips or make city tours – everything is possible. Choose your dream van from 7 innovative floor plans.

Mooveo Campervan


The MOOVEO Campervan on Renault Trafic chassis is equipped with a 2.0 dCi engine with 120 hp as standard. Sleep and dream in the pop-up roof or on the fold-down bench seat. Thanks to Smart Bed technology, the conversion takes just 30 seconds. Sophisticated models with plenty of storage space.

Motorhomes and vans from MOOVEO

Image for the Mooveo-Configurator

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